Our Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza was a grand success!

On Saturday, September 30, we welcomed 12 students St. John’s Presbyterian Church in New Albany at 9:30. They heard Chris Harbeson play several beautiful pieces in contrasting styles. Seth Daily explained the basics of organ construction and host Dr. Charlie Mitchell demonstrated the features of the console. Each student had a chance to play a piece, then, after pizza and cookies, Jan Eberle-Kanui explained how to correctly pump the pedals on her c. 1920 Estey School House Reed organ. Other members who assisted were Judy Diekhoff, Doris Conners, Judith Miller, Marci Dickinson, Bradley Johnson, Katelyn Stumler, and Janet Hamilton.

David wins top award

SIAGO Member and former Dean Dr. David K. Lamb was honored on August 29 at the Jacobs School of Music with the Oswald G. Ragatz Distinguished Alumni award. This award is given bi-annually to an alumni who has achieved professional success as an organist and who has made great contributions to the music world.

Congratulation David!

David gives his speech to over 40 organ alumni
Accepting the award from A. Wayne Barlow, chairman of IOU

Pictures from 2022-2023

Rees Roberts recital, September 6, 2022
Theresa, David, Judith, Janet, Marci, and Charlie, November 15
Jonathan Stanley at First Baptist, Madison
Greg Zelek concert, June 3, 2022, with historian Bill Lohmeyer
Shawn Dawson Lenten recital at Trinity UM, March 31. 2023
Judith’s recital on the Schlicker at the Acme Institute
Judith, Janet, and Theresa’s trip to John Rust’s home.
Tim Baker accompanied the silent movie “King of Kings”, April 24
Dr. Robin Smith demonstrates vocal techniques for choir members.
Rhonda Edgington and trumpeter Brian Reichenbach performance at St. John’s, May 23